The storm, a short digital story from one of Oasis’s digital story workshops. 

Many people are forced to flee their country alone or with just part of their family. Loved ones are left behind in the hope that one day they will be reunited. The Storm represents the stories of many, many families pulled apart by conflict.

30 August – International Day of the Disappeared


There was a family living in the village. There were ten members of that family. The father, and the mother and eight children. The father and the mother of that family cared for their children very much. For example, their father encouraged them all the time to work hard and to study. Their mother also made sure that they had good clothes and plenty of delicious food to eat. So, the lives of the family were good. The father of that family was a hard worker in his business in order to carry out his responsibilities for his family. The mother was a housewife and she loved her husband and her children and that made a happy home for them. However, one day a storm started to push that family and the started to face a difficult situation. The result of the storm was that the family were split up to the four corners of the world. Now, only four members of the family are living together. I hope that one day the lovely family can live together again, the same life, as it was before.